This week we will focus on learning how to Re-wire Our Thoughts in order to Create new Neuro-pathways in our brain.

Let’s begin by learning how to Appreciate the Reverse Gap in our Life:


Most of us are wired to watch the Forward gap – the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.


We tell ourselves we’ll be happy when we reach the new revenue target at work… get a promotion, pay rise… relocate… and so on.


1If you are chasing the Forward gap, the chase will never end.


Instead, let’s learn to look backward – to the past- and appreciate how far you’ve come




Paying attention to your Reverse Gap is a perfect exercise to improve the level of positivity of your thoughts and start rewiring your brain for a happier and healthier outlook.




Spend 3 Minutes with your eyes closed focusing on the Reverse Gap – what did you achieve, how far did you come, what do you really value and appreciate that you were longing to have in the past and you’ve got it now.


Open your eyes and write down 5 things from your personal and your work life.


Practice this exercise for the next seven days coming up with new things every day. Review your list by the end of the week and see how it makes you feel.


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Phil Facey
Phil Facey

I now only work on Projects I enjoy with people I like.
I live in a wonderful home in the perfect location
I have loving people around me that express their love in the best way they know how.
I am financially stable, which reduces stress levels and gives you options and choices.
I feel more connected with nature and unquantifiable things that are important in Life.

Phil Facey
Phil Facey

I am enjoying authentic Giving more and more