Course Features

  • Lessons 6
  • Quizzes 1
  • Assignments 3
  • Discussions 1
  • Duration Unlimited
  • Students 669
  • Certificates Yes
  • Badges No

We are all guilty of unknowingly damaging our brains.

Brain diseases have risen dramatically over the past 20 years.

This is now starting to affect younger and younger people.


In this online course our Corporate Nutritionist explains why looking after your Brain Health is critical today and how you can prolong your brain health by providing it with the right type of nutrients.


Discover five simple strategies to cultivate your Brain Health and Improve Your Brain Power:

  1. Honour Your Inner Hippo
  2. How to Achieve Mental Clarity and Focus
  3. How to Boost Your Brain Power
  4. Vital Brain Vitamins
  5. Brain-Gut Connection



  • Startegy 1. Honour Your Inner Hippo

  • lesson
    Why Brain Health is Critical Today?
    30 minutes
  • quiz
    Brain Food Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
    9 questions
  • lesson
    Strategy 1: Balance Your Blood Sugar Levels
    5 minutes
  • assignment
    Challenge: Your Brain Deserves The Best
    Text Based
  • Startegy 2. Mental Clarity and Focus

  • lesson
    Strategy 2: Consume Brain-Boosting Powers
    3 minutes
  • assignment
    Challenge: Are You Eating the Right Fats?
    Text Based
  • Strategy 3. Boost your Brain Power with Superfoods

  • lesson
    Foods to Help Boost Your Brain Power
    Foods to Help Boost Your Brain Power


    Try to eat a rainbow of colourful fruits and vegetables.


    fruit and vegetable rainbow

    Why is this so important?

    These are powerful anti inflammatory and detoxifiers and provide energy boosting brain powering molecules that our bodies need on a regular basis.

    The different colours from dark deep reds, yellows, to oranges, greens and blues, each carries its own set of unique disease fighting chemicals. Which is why we need the variety in our diets as they all bring something to the party!


    To highlight a few powerhouses for the brain:

    Blackberries and grapes contain polyphenols which tone down inflammation and promote better communication between the neurons and therefore enhance the brains ability to absorb and process new pieces of information.

    Blueberries have been proven to reduce the risk of short term memory loss.

    Berries are great to snack on through the day or are great to include in a smoothie at breakfast alongside some greens.

    Spinach is jam packed with brain boosting vitamins, we can see why they gave pop eye more than just strength! A study revealed that a daily consumption of 3 servings a day can slow down cognitive decline by 40%.

    Add in some avocadoes to your next salad or smoothie, they not only provide healthy fats and vitamins but one study found that you have a 67% lower risk of develop Alzheimer’s when eaten on a regular basis.

    Swap your next cup of coffee or tea for a Green tea. It contains a certain chemical that promotes the growth of brand new brain cells.

    Whilst we know alcohol kills brain cells , this type of tea helps the brain processes like memory, spatial reasoning and decision making. Two cups a day will bring a benefit to the brain.

    These examples show the power of plant foods and their protective effects for the brain.

    Variety is key

    You need to ensure you are getting a minimum of 5-7 portions a day.


    3 minutes
  • assignment
    Challenge: Add Brain Foods to Your Shopping List
    Text Based
  • Startegy 4: Brain Vitamins

  • lesson
    Startegy 4: Brain Vitamins: Essential Vitamins for a Healthy Brain
    7 minutes
  • Strategy 5. Brain-Gut Connection

  • lesson
    Strategy 5: Brain-Gut Connection
    3 minutes
  • discussion
    Q&A Session

Kim Schweiger