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When you’re working at your desk all day, it’s easy to fall in to bad eating habits. You get used to having a sugar fix at 11am or crave something savoury mid-afternoon to get you through the day. Often colleague’s birthdays are celebrated with cakes, pastries and doughnuts that are just too hard to resist. It’s so much easier to say yes than no, right?!

Well it’s time to get snack-wise. Evidence shows that opting for healthier, vitamin-rich snacks at work can actually increase productivity and keep you fuller for longer. So, not only will you notice that you’ve lost a few pounds, you’ll find that you become more effective at your job when you’re smart with your snacks.

We’ve pulled together a list of healthy office snacks that help curb your cravings and give you the energy to work productively all day long.

  • Ideas for Smart Snacking

  • lesson
    Keep Healthy Snacks at Your Desk
    30 minutes
  • lesson
    Choose Balanced Snacks
    Choose Balanced Snacks

    Simple Strategies to maintain your energy levels:




    When planning snacks for work, choose snacks with a combination of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean proteins to boost your metabolism, increase energy, and feel fuller longer, such us a peanut butter and banana sandwich or an apple with a handful of almonds.

    Ideas of Healthy Snacks for the Office

    Come to work prepared with healthy snacks, and you’ll improve focus, increase productivity, and avoid packing on pounds. Here are some snack foods to help you stay satisfied.

    1. Walnuts – Walnuts are high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Pair a handful of walnuts with a piece of low-fat cheese, your favorite fruit, or a bowl of oatmeal for a fiber-rich morning snack that will help you feel full longer.
    2. Apples – Apples are loaded with pectin, which helps suppress your appetite. Eating an apple mid-day helps control blood sugar and may aid in weight loss. Have it with a spoonful of nut butter (cashew, peanut, almond) to add muscle-building protein and healthy fat.
    3. Greek Yogurt – Greek yogurt has twice as much protein as regular yogurt. Plus, it contains healthy bacteria, known as probiotics, to keep your digestive tract healthy. Top 6 to 8 ounces of Greek Yogurt with ¾ cup of berries for a mid-day snack.
    4. Green Tea – Research has shown that green tea helps lower cholesterol and decreases the risk of diabetes and stroke. What’s more, it boosts metabolism to help you burn fat. Drink two to three cups of green tea throughout the day to reap the benefits. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, don’t drink green tea after 3 p.m
    5. Oatmeal and Blueberries – Complex carbs like oatmeal provide steady, long-lasting energy, and help you feel full longer. Top off 1/2 cup of hot oats with 1 cup of fresh blueberries, which are packed with nutrients that help promote brain function.
    6. Carrots and Hummus – 10 carrots pair well with 1/2 cup of hummus. This low-calorie combo is packed with beta-carotene, fiber, and healthy fat to help you feel full throughout the afternoon. 
    7. Low-Fat Cottage Cheese and Pineapple – Half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese is high in protein and calcium, while 3/4 cup of fresh pineapple offers a sweet topping that can decrease inflammation in the body and improve digestion.
    8. Yogurt, Granola, and Cherries – Yogurt contains probiotics, which are known as the good bacteria needed for a healthy digestive tract. Add some crunch to 1 cup of yogurt by mixing in 1 cup of low-fat, fiber-rich granola and 1/2 cup of dark cherries for a punch of antioxidants and phytonutrients.
    9. Granola Bar – While an unprocessed snack of fresh fruits and veggies is preferable, stock your desk drawer with granola bars to bail you out when you’re crunched for time. Kashi granola bars are packed with fiber, and they make a great on-the-go snack.
    10. Apple and Almond Butter – Pair an apple with 2 tablespoons of almond butter for a heart-healthy, cholesterol-lowering snack packed with healthy fat and fiber.
    11. Dark Chocolate.  Having some dark chocolate to turn to during these times makes refusing unhealthy sweets easier. A 1-ounce serving of dark chocolate has around 155 calories and is loaded with healthy antioxidants that fight disease. In comparison, a single doughnut can have upward of 380 calories, mostly from fat and sugar.
    12. Crackers. Whole-grain crackers are an excellent choice for those crunchy snack cravings. The fiber in them will help keep you full, too. You must limit yourself, as mindlessly munching on crackers can lead to consuming hundreds of calories. A serving of 10 wheat crackers has around 90 calories.


    5 minutes
  • lesson
    How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits
    How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits


     To develop healthy eating habits, make small changes over a longer period of time.






    1. Make a plan for your new eating habits. It`s best to just choose one or two changes to make at time . Make it so easy you can’t say no.
    2. Schedule or write in your calendar which changes you’ll be making each week or few weeks. Keep track of how successful or unsuccessful you after each change.
    3. Start a food journal. It makes you realize your strengths and makes you aware of your weaknesses.
    4. Buddy up. Talk to your friends, family members or coworkers about your plan for improving your diet. Ask if anyone would like to join you.
    5. When you slip, get back on track quickly.The best way to improve your self-control is to see how and why you lose control.
    6. Allow 30 days for a New Habit to get embedded.






    3 minutes

Kim Schweiger