Number 1 tool to de-stress at work – Mind Shower


My friend who works for a global consultancy firm told me recently:


“I don’t know how people are coping without daily meditation. I don’t know what would I do without it.”


Over 60% of people in her consultancy firm have regular appointments with psychotherapists paid by the firm.


This is an example of how a global company is coping with an influx of anxiety attacks, chronic stress, depression and prematurely ageing workforce that is overworked and lacks rest and sleep.


When I asked my friend why would not she introduce mindfulness meditation to her colleagues and the whole organisation she hesitated.


“It is a personal practice. I want to keep it to myself. I don’t think my colleagues will understand”.


So my friend who has a power and influence to share this powerful anti-stress technique with others keeps it to herself. And so many other leaders I know.


Here we are –  waiting for our people to get into a personal crisis and suffer rather than introduce them to these tools and  help them reduce the chances of facing the crisis.


But then there are other leaders who have courage, curiosity and passion to have new experiences and share them with their teams, who are deeply self-aware and know intuitively what their people need.


And I am very lucky to work with them.


Mindfulness meditation is not just a de-stress tool. It is a daily shower for your mind.


It is a practice of self-awareness and it has so many applications!


We have recently completed a 5-week programme where we covered


Mindfulness for Success, Mindfulness for Focus, Mindfulness for Communication, Mindfulness for Creativity, Mindfulness for Happiness and Purpose.


Mindfulness application in the work environment are endless.


That what people have said:


I would like to practice the mind shower everyday as I think it would be hugely beneficial although I struggle with time”

I’ll definitely use the ‘re-set’ resting exercise when I start to feel pressured at work when possible & at home after a particularly busy day.”

I found the breathing exercises really useful and will be hopefully using them in the future.”

I found the focus task really insightful (from session 2) as I realised my mind couldn’t just focus on one thing. Going forward I’m going to continue that exercise to help train my brain to be more focussed (which should also help me at work)!”

“I found my session really inspiring – it was #3. I feel that I want to do some more mindfulness but I am now conscious that you need someone to practice it with.”

I will definitely be trying the 5 5 5 theory at the start of each day



Have you thought about introducing Mindfulness in your workplace? It will not only save your people from crisis but also enhance their performance, self-awareness, focus and creativity.


Who is going to say no to this?



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