Singletasking is a new way of working

“Multitasking kills!” Laugh all you want, but it’s actually true!

Indeed, multitasking causes the deaths of thousands of people as well as economic damages amounting to billions every year.
For example, did you know that distracted driving, such as driving while texting, talking on the phone, etc., is the second leading cause for car accidents after driving under the influence?

Not only is multitasking dangerous, it also won’t make you more productive.

In fact, there’s really no such thing as multitasking, per neuroscientists, our brain is simply incapable of focusing on multiple things simultaneously.
Rather, your Brain simply switches the focus of its selective attention between the various tasks it has to handle at any given moment.
When your brain has to make the switch, your performance suffers, causing you to work less efficiently on the task you’re currently focused on.

Do you often multitask to save time?

Whether it means brushing your teeth while driving to work, answering texts while you’re eating or constantly checking Facebook while working, multitasking might seem like a life saver.

It isn’t.

It makes us more stressed, less focused, and ultimately we don’t really do anything well.

So what should you do instead?

You should learn to do ONE thing at a time, and ONLY one thing.
Just the task at hand.

This is easier said than done, but we will give you some handy tips and get you started on your less stressful and more productive life.

1. Try Singletasking.
It empowers you to achieve world-class performance. Only when you are fully absorbed in the task can you enter the flow state – a zone of complete focus.

2. Eliminate Distractions.
Switch off the unnecessary noise from your life in the form of social media notifications, news headlines, chatty colleagues ?. You decide what does not serve you.

3. Adapt Simple Hacks That Help Singletask.

You can build more flexibility in your schedule so you don’t feel like you fall behind. Or you can use a cluster tasking technique to combine similar activities in one group so you can complete them one by one.

Singletasking helps you to build better relationships as it encourages you to give your full attention to this one person. And believe us they will appreciate that gesture in the times of multitasking.

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